
The Commission Process

I love working with clients and decorators to create custom pieces. The process begins with a discussion on the vision and requirements for the piece and the space. Then a draft is made to ensure our visions align. When the draft is approved, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required.

Pricing will be estimated during the discussion phase and confirmed after the draft is complete.

Lead time varies and will be estimated once draft is complete.

Common Questions:

1.) Are you willing to recreate a piece you have already sold? I’m happy to recreate a piece, but it will not be identical. Every piece needs to have the space to be unique.

2.) Are there limits to what you will create on a custom basis? Yes, although there is plenty of room for customization, my prior work should serve as a general guideline for the type / style /vibe of art that I’m available to fulfill on a commissioned basis.

Complete the form below to begin your commission project.